The following are different categories of opportunities for you to make money online:
Get Paid to Advertise Earn money displaying advertisements on your site. These programs pay you if a visitor clicks on your site, if an advertisement is viewed 1000 times, and some pay a monthly fixed rate just for displaying their advertisements regardless of whether it is clicked or viewed. These are a good way to earn passive, monthly income. That is, you are earning even while you sleep.
Get Paid to Blog These pay you for blog related activities, such as sharing your thoughts about a certain company, website, or event. These are also known as Get Paid to Post opportunities. Aside from these, a good way to earn money from your blog would be to use it to refer other people. See the Get Paid to Refer section on such opportunities. By merely placing your referral link, provided by the company or website you’ve joined, you can earn passive monthly income from your blog or website.
Get Paid to Click Paid to Click (PTC) sites pay you for clicking on links or banners of their advertisers and viewing the website it is linked to for about 20 to 30 seconds. After which, your account will be credited about $0.01 for each ad you view. While participating in one may not be profitable, doing so in several different PTC sites at once can actually make it worthwhile, especially if you take advantage of their referral program.
Get paid to do Homework A good way for retirees, graduates, and professionals to earn extra money would be to write for Academia sites. You get paid to do homework, research, and school and university related activities.
Get Paid to Refer This is perhaps one of the most potent ways to earn money online, once you’ve set up a blog and promoted it well. If your blog is receiving at least 100 visitors a day or more, then this can really bring in considerable amount of monthly, passive income. By simply placing the referral links provided by these companies and websites, you can earn while you sleep. Of course, this isn’t so easy to do. It requires patience and a lot of hard work in regularly updating your blog and promoting it through Search Engine Optimization. If you’re serious about earning from these, then put 6 months to 1 year of effort on it. The effort and time is worth it, with the right programs to join.
Get Paid to Review Products Another good way to earn both passive and active income, that is, earning both from your efforts and from commissions generated whether or not you work, is to share your personal experiences about different products. All products can be reviewed, as long as they have monetary value.
Get Paid to Sell These companies pay you for selling items through your blog or website. You just have to refer clients to them, and they will take care of the rest. you can earn from 20% to 50% in commissions, depending on the product.
Get Paid to Survey Get Paid to Survey sites pay you for taking short surveys and sharing your opinion. Although a single site in itself will not earn you considerable amount of money, if you join enough sites, use the free software Roboform to speed up sign ups and log in processes (or any AutoFill tool for that matter, such as Autofill for Firefox), then you can earn a lot. Even if it’s only $5 per month from each company, if you join 200 companies, you can earn $1000 a month. There are people who earn as much as $3000 a month from these. But it really takes effort. Anybody earning that much really deserves it, it takes persistence and hard work to reach that level.
Get Paid to Teach These opportunities pay you for teaching students over the internet. Generally, you need a good internet connection, preferably DSL, broadband, or faster to ensure that you get clear communication with your clients. You’ll also need free software such as Skype.
Get Paid to Work These are ways to earn for doing projects related to your field. It may be writing, programming, graphics, accounting, book keeping, telecommuting, and all sorts of work. The rates are generally quite high.
Get Paid to Write These opportunities pay you to write about various topics. Some sites pay $20 for articles on real estate, some pay $4-$10 per page. This is a great way to earn for budding writers, while at the same time enhancing their writing skills.